To those continuing in the faith of our Lord Jesus, and to those who we pray will someday receive the grace that comes through faith,
It has been quite a while since we have updated you on the work going on here in Costa Rica, sorry. Within these last few months it has seemed that some of the original people that we began to minister to have been coming back into our lives. As some of you may remember in some of our first updates we were getting frustrated because we would give council from the Word of God, and the people would be really excited to hear God speaking to them through the scriptures. However, we would only see them 2 or 3 times and then they would vanish. Well in these last few months some of them have returned for council! Two of the people have hit low points and are now making big changes in their lives to follow Christ daily. It has been very exciting to see them want to change because they have understood that they cannot be a “good person.” They now understand that only through Jesus can they have lasting change!
We have had a great time lately with those coming to the study on Tuesday nights. We have been looking for things that we can serve in as a church. A couple of months ago we went with Carlos and Sona up to Rivas to visit Adriana, the widow. It was great having Carlos and Sona be able to minister to Adriana. Just two weekends ago we went with Carlos, Sona,
Camila, Mark Schwartz (leadership and good friend from our home church), and our other friends Curtis and Michelle, to the drug rehab to make a lunch for the men there. It was great to see those who have been coming to the study get a chance to do what they read. The men were blesses by the food and a short testimony from our friend Mark. They asked if we could come out another time so that they could cook for us. This relationship we have been making with them is really turning out to bless both side, I guess that is what makes it a relationship.
Chelly and I have both been discipling some young adults for the past few months as well. I have been spending time with a guy named Joel, and Chelly has been meeting with a girl named Heidy. Joel has been learning about what it means to be dead in Christ’s death and alive in His resurrection. We have gone out into town to witness to the drug addicts and alcoholics a couple of times together. It has been so exciting to see Joel grow in sharing Christ and his passion to see others changed. Usually when I see him he asks when the next time will be when we go out witnessing! Heidy has also been changing a lot. Chelly has been teaching Heidy about the love God has for her, the working of the Holy Spirit in her life, and what it means to put hope in the Lord. She is so passionate and full of emotion for Christ. Chelly is always excited to meet with her because of how she reacts to the Scriptures.
Please continue to be praying for Carlos and his family. If you don’t remember Carlos started coming to the studies at the first of the year. His wife and children had been praying that he would come to the study, and finally he did and has continued. The last Tuesday study Carlos’ brother came! Now we are praying that his bother would continue to come and Carlos’ son would be able to come as well. Please pray with us that the Lord would continue to touch this family. Also please be praying for the other Senora that has been coming for the past year and a half, Camila.
We had a great discussion with her the last study about what significance the law now plays in our life since we are now in Christ. She still believes that to get salvation we must perform and complete all of the laws through our flesh. She has been with us through the whole book of Matthew and now through 6 chapters in Acts! We really want to see her understand that she can’t do it without Christ, so please be praying for her.
As far as personal news with our family:
• Rya and I (Curtis) had our birthdays, Rya is now 2 and I am 30!
• The girls are back in school, Ava is in 1st grade and Zoe is in Kindergarten. It has been lots of fun to adapt to the way that schools are done here. We are very thankful for the opportunity to take another step further into the culture.
• Rya’s eye has fully healed! For those of you that didn’t know, Rya had a Bot Fly Larva living just above her eyelid. If you want to know about what a Bot Fly is just type it in on YouTube.
• Thanks to those that have been praying for our marriage…It is awesome!
• As far as the house goes we are waiting for a decision from our leadership. We may buy the house or just buy a property. This is a huge blessing our home church is providing for us and the work here. Please pray that we get the property that the Lord wants us to have.
• We almost have Rya’s American passport!
Once again, thank you so very much for your prayers and support. You guys are a great family to be sharing this ministry with! Here are some verses that I read through this morning that I hope encourages you or corrects you wherever you are in your life.
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is in the Lord.” Jeremiah 17:5, 7
In love through our Savior,
Curtis, Chelly, Ava, Zoe, Ali, and Rya