Hey everybody! Curtis said that it would be a nice change of pace if you all got to hear an update from my perspective. So I’ll start with the family first. Curtis is a very busy man these days. Between preparing for each service, counseling, and all his fatherly duties has also volunteered to teach for the Bible College. There is now a Calvary teaching site located in our town. And for this, the second semester in operation, he will be teaching one of his favorite topics, Apologetics. Being a hard working man, Curtis can’t sit still all day. He usually has some project back in the church to ease his idle hands, and a lovely assistant whom he covers with saw dust.
When I’m not helping Curtis I’m usually translating home work with the kids. At this time in my life there is much less physical labor (praise God). Almost all the kids can bathe, dress and keep busy on their own! Considering that I am also comfortable with my Spanish, I feel free for the first time in ten years. That’s not to say that I’m not occupied. On the contrary, I can always count on my day to be busy and unpredictable. Only now, my work load is no more than any other missionary.
This year God has really blessed me with friends. The mother of Ali’s best friend is a sweet Christian lady who likes to hang out. Some good friends of ours are returning here to the mission field. We are really excited because not only are they our friends, but their kids are good friends with our kids as well. I’ve also had more time to be in better contact with friends and family back in the states. Not to mention I have my sister here too. God is good. My personal life is the complete opposite of the overwhelmed and lonely life the year before.
As far as ministry goes the last two months are a blur. We have been blessed with visitors, activities, new comers and new ministry opportunities. At the same time we have had crazy schedules, more families leave town and an increased work load.
Starting back in June, Baby Mery was dedicated to the Lord on the 5th just three days before her mother’s birthday. Just one more reminder how very blessed we are to have Annie and Darwin serving along side of us. In that same category, my Dad and Stepmom visited for 20 days! We all had separate times to getaway and enjoy the various attractions that Costa Rica has to offer. Their visit was a fun filled, jam packed, blast!! And of course we missed them the very day they left. On the bright side, Donna, my stepmom is planning to return at the first of the year for the birth of Annie and Darwin’s second baby!! They do not know the sex of the baby yet, but we let you know next time.
You might remember from other updates a woman named Odelva. She and her daughter attended the church until they moved south. Odelva did come up for her baby shower we held at the church. She is in her last trimester but not doing well financially. More than anything we worry about life after the birth. She’s in a small house out in the pineapple fields, and work very is scarce. Please pray for God’s provision over this special family.
At the same time that my family was here several people (including Pastor Dave Shirley and good friend Mark Schwartz) came down for the end of the semester and the Bible College graduation. That’s was just the beginning of our recent visitors. The first week of July our beloved Children’s worker Bailey returned from a sort trip to the states along with her wonderful parents. We were blessed just to spend time with them. To continue the theme of overlapping visitors a group arrived as well. A sister church in San Jose (the capital) brought a great group of American teens to evangelize in the town plaza. They made a loop and ministered in all the Calvaries south of the capital. These kids came with servant’s hearts. The ladies of the church all gathered the day before to prepare a meal that would later be dispensed by the group. We targeted prostitutes, homeless, street venders and drug addicts. One man received Christ and another man has been consistently attending the mid week service. Praise God we get to be a part of this all!
The evangelism also set the stage to promote a Kid’s Festival which we held the following weekend. Bailey and her mother even lead a group to the mall to paint faces and pass out fliers. The Festival was held here at the church for two days. We preformed the same puppet shows as last time, so we were all well prepared and excited. Everybody who came had a great time (us included). Sadly, we did not see a single person that we invited while in town. Instead, God brought families from around the neighborhood; even better. People might not be interested in coming to learn more about God themselves, but they do want their kids to. We are happy to help the children understand and know their Savior. Every week following the event we are told that the kids sing the songs at home too! Please pray that they continue coming to the weekly kid’s club, and that God can use Kid’s Club as a stepping stone to bring whole families to Christ.
Speaking of families, we’ve seen our fair share come and go all in the last two months. Last month Curtis wrote about a new family named Jorge, Gladice and their two boys. Unfortunately, they returned to their hometown after Jorge lost his job. They were with us about five months. Another family that you might remember from the very beginning of our life here in Costa Rica began attending both mid week and Sunday services. Sirly and her four kids lost their home during a tropical storm three years ago. Located on the river bank, the small house was destroyed and washed away along with all their belongings. This was the first family we were able to minister to, and we have remained in contact off and on these past years. As it turns out, they, like many others before them, only wanted “good” council. As Curtis speaks the truth the congregation is pruned.
Above all, as I look back at the last two months I see that although the enemy is trying to destroy this work of God, it is He who prevails! For this reason we ask that you pray for the leaders and members of the church that we may remain strongly united in His love. “And they will know we are Christians by our love.”
Schockey Family